Alon Singer

Chief Knowledge Officer

Practice Areas

Contact Details

T +972.3.694.4290
F +972.3.606.9616

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Mr. Singer is FBC's Chief Knowledge Officer.

Mr. Singer’s practice focuses on all aspects of commercial agreements and intellectual property matters. He represents and counsels software and hardware companies in a broad range of international commercial transactions in the areas of software licensing, open-source licensing, semiconductor and information technology services. Mr. Singer counsels software and hardware companies in negotiating and structuring licensing and business models, including SaaS agreements, manufacturing agreements, arrangements with resellers, distributors, and OEM partners, service level agreements (SLAs), end-user license agreements (EULA) and support agreements. He also has extensive experience in advising high-tech companies on open source licenses and intellectual property issues in M&A and financing transactions, and in drafting terms of use and privacy policies for websites and mobile apps on various mobile operating systems.

Mr. Singer also brings a wealth of experience from the high-tech industry, acquired during his 15 years working in the high-tech industry. He served as VP of Research and Development at C-B4 Ltd., a start-up in the Machine Learning and Data Technology sector and prior to that in senior management positions at the SaaS company, LivePerson Inc.

Prior to joining FBC & Co., Mr. Singer practiced law as an associate in the IP and Technology department of another leading firm in Israel.

The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, LL.B (Cum Laude), 2013

The Open University of Israel, M.SC (Computer Science), 2008

The Open University of Israel, B.A. (Computer Science, Cum Laude), 1999